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Educational Project
The Educational Project of Centennial Regional High School promotes the active participation of all partners in the development of our students’ skills, confidence and ethic to contribute in a meaningful and diversified manner to present and future society.
Celebration of Diversity
As students, staff and parents, our differences in cultures, religions, learning styles, interests and aptitudes make us a unique, interesting and stronger community. These mirror the real world. We celebrate our diversity.
Development of the Well-rounded Student
To enable all students to achieve their potential as responsible, vital and contributing members of society, we actively support their intellectual, personal and social development.
Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle
In order to promote respect for self and encourage the development of lifelong positive habits, we provide information and guidance designed to help students make well-informed, healthy choices regarding nutrition, personal health and physical activity.
Personalization of the Student’s Educational Experience
In order to address the needs and interests of individual students, and to ensure that each student has a sense of belonging, feeling ‘at home’ and being involved, we take a personalized approach to every aspect of school organization. (e.g. Hand-timetabling for all Middle School students; assignment of Core Teachers in Middle School; provision of support services for students at all grade levels; placement in classes at appropriate level of challenge; follow-up and intervention by Administration, etc.)
Inclusion of All Members of the School Community
We welcome all students as equal and contributing members of our school community and encourage them to take full advantage of all the opportunities available.
Preparation for Life Beyond High School
Through demonstrating the relevance between ‘school learning’ and ‘Real World’ requirements, and by teaching valuable life skills, we help prepare students for life beyond high school. We emphasize the development of essential ‘literacy’ skills including reading skills, reading appreciation, media literacy, consumer literacy, etc.
Innovation and Responsiveness in Our Pedagogy
In order to provide the best possible learning opportunities to our students, and in keeping on the cutting edge of educational practices, our faculty is dedicated to exploring and refining new pedagogical approaches. Our programing is rigorous, challenging, and addresses the needs and interests of our community. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the wide variety of opportunities in the academic courses, Creative and Performing Arts, and Athletics.
In order to maintain a harmonious learning and working atmosphere, we promote respect for self, for others and for the school environment. To this end, we have developed a comprehensive set of policies and procedures, outlined in the C.R.H.S. Student Agenda, which includes the expectations of the school and school board regarding student conduct.
The successful education of our students depends upon the partnership of home, school and the students themselves, with all members working in a collaborative manner and fulfilling their respective responsibilities.
To realize the goals of our Educational Project, we promote open communication, active participation of all partners and the maintenance of a safe and secure environment.
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